Eggless Nasturtium Greens Sandwich Bread is a soft and light milk bread recipe with Nasturtium leaves and stems for flavor and color using the Tangzhong method.
Zucchini and carrot vegetable sandwich is a simple and healthy sandwich made with summer-friendly vegetables best for breakfast, quick lunch or dinner.
Afternoon Tea Time Platter featuring different types of Vegan Sandwiches, GF and nut-free cookies, chips, & dips catering to people of all food groups.
Beetroot and Carrot Yogurt sandwich is a simple and quick breakfast or a snack for fussy eaters and is also a good way to add some Beet to our diet.
Air Fryer Bread Pizza or an open-faced grilled cheese sandwich is a quick and delicious alternative to traditional pizza.
Was alone to eat and was bored of cooking something for me. Had bread at hand but bored of bread or the same old type of sandwiches so decided to experiment with this. I had Kale (Which I had never tasted before), Broccoli and some paneer at home. So thought of making a sandwich. Now …